
Brock Electric Grain Spreaders




Achieve Better Aeration & Drying With BROCK® Grain Spreaders

Brock’s Grain Spreaders can evenly distribute grain as the bin is filled for optimum drying and uniform aeration. BROCK® Spreaders are available for bins up to 60 feet (18.3 m) in diameter and with a capacity of up to 6,000 bushels per hour (152 metric tons per hour).

Highly Durable Design for Long Service Life

Totally Enclosed C-Face Motor
The totally-enclosed C-face motor is mounted directly to an in-line gear reducer for no loss of horsepower and no belts to maintain or replace.

Galvanized Construction
Galvanized steel construction provides durability and low maintenance.

Motor Wear Plate for Added Protection
A wear plate on the motor end protects the motor in grain flow.

Adjustable Spreader Impellers
Spreader impellers can be adjusted to match the grain throw distance to the bin’s diameter.

Adjustable Hanging Brackets
Adjustable hanging brackets allow a wide range of hanging heights and fill hole diameters.

Optional Centering Cone and Flow Guides for Low Flow Rates
An optional centering cone and flow guides are used in systems with flow rates of less than 2,000 bushels (50.8 metric tons) per hour.

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